
【学术报告】Generalized Kernel-based Inverse Regression Methods for Sufficient Dimension Reduction

发布日期:2019-04-08 15:48:55   来源:统计与数学学院   点击量:



主题:Generalized Kernel-based Inverse Regression Methods for Sufficient Dimension Reduction



报告内容简介:The linearity condition and the constant conditional variance assumption popularly used in sufficient dimension reduction are respectively close to elliptical symmetry and normality. These conditions are often required by inverse regression-based methods. However, it is always the concern about their restrictiveness. In this paper, we give systematic studies to provide insight into the reasons why the popularly used sliced inverse regression and sliced average variance estimation need these conditions. Then we propose a new framework to relax these conditions and suggest generalized kernel-based inverse regression methods to handle a class of mixture multivariate skew elliptical distributions. Numerical studies show that generalized kernel inverse regression (GKIR) and generalized kernel average variance estimation (GKAVE) work well when the mentioned two conditions do not satisfy for the distributions in this class.

